Tuesday, July 16, 2013

HTTP Live Streaming Tutorial With HTML5 and Ruby Sinatra

HTTP Live Streaming is a way to send audio and video over HTTP from a web server to client software on the desktop or to iOS-based devices. HTTP Live Streaming sends audio and video as a series of small files, typically of about 10 seconds duration, called media segment files. An index file, or playlist, gives the clients the URLs of the media segment files. The playlist can be periodically refreshed to accommodate live broadcasts, where media segment files are constantly being produced.

Full Source Code: http://bit.ly/12EdHal

1. Download Apple HTTP Live Streaming Command Line Tools: https://developer.apple.com/streaming/

2. With the MP4 video (mine is Iron-Man-3.mp4) in the same directory:

$ mediafilesegmenter Iron-Man-3.mp4 

dyn-209-2-221-215:tutorial ktran$ mediafilesegmenter Iron-Man-3.mp4 
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.304: Using floating point is not backward compatible to iOS 4.1 or earlier devices
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.304: Processing file /Users/ktran/Desktop/tutorial/Iron-Man-3.mp4
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.338: Finalized fileSequence0.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.343: segment bitrate  1.98 Mbits/sec is new max
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.370: Finalized fileSequence1.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.377: segment bitrate  4.38 Mbits/sec is new max
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.401: Finalized fileSequence2.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.401: segment bitrate  5.24 Mbits/sec is new max
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.420: Finalized fileSequence3.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.440: Finalized fileSequence4.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.470: Finalized fileSequence5.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.471: segment bitrate  6.56 Mbits/sec is new max
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.490: Finalized fileSequence6.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.514: Finalized fileSequence7.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.549: Finalized fileSequence8.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.550: segment bitrate  8.19 Mbits/sec is new max
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.586: Finalized fileSequence9.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.613: Finalized fileSequence10.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.653: Finalized fileSequence11.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.703: Finalized fileSequence12.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.739: Finalized fileSequence13.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.765: Finalized fileSequence14.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.766: Finalized fileSequence15.ts
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.766: segment does not contain sync frame
Jul 16 2013 14:25:35.767: average bit rate is  5.28 Mbits/sec - max file bit rate is  8.19 Mbits/sec
dyn-209-2-221-215:tutorial ktran$ 

3. Install Ruby Sinatra and Thin (if not installed)

$ gem install sinatra
$ gem install thin

dyn-209-2-214-100:tutorial ktran$ gem install sinatra
Successfully installed sinatra-1.4.3
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for sinatra-1.4.3...
Installing RDoc documentation for sinatra-1.4.3...
dyn-209-2-214-100:tutorial ktran$
dyn-209-2-214-100:tutorial ktran$ gem install thin
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed thin-1.5.1
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for thin-1.5.1...
Installing RDoc documentation for thin-1.5.1...
dyn-209-2-214-100:tutorial ktran$

3. Create the server.rb file and index.html file in the same directory as your video segments. 


require 'sinatra'
require 'rubygems'

get '/' do
  File.read(File.join('.', 'index.html'))

get '/:filename' do
  File.read(File.join('.', "#{params[:filename]}"))


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>HTTP Live Streaming Example</title>
        <link href="http://vjs.zencdn.net/c/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet">
        <script src="http://vjs.zencdn.net/c/video.js"></script>
    <video class="video-js vjs-default-skin"  
       controls preload="auto" width="1280" height="720"   
   <source src="http://localhost:4567/prog_index.m3u8" type='application/x-mpegURL'/ >

3. Start the server.

$ ruby server.rb

4. Go to a web browser and go to the address: http://localhost:4597.

 First Mistake - I Didn't Create a General Route to Send Files - But At Least I Know It's Correctly Requesting All of the Segments

dyn-209-2-214-100:tutorial ktran$ ruby server.rb 
== Sinatra/1.4.3 has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin
>> Thin web server (v1.5.1 codename Straight Razor)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on localhost:4567, CTRL+C to stop - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1204 0.0040 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /prog_index.m3u8 HTTP/1.1" 200 680 0.0009 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /prog_index.m3u8 HTTP/1.1" 200 680 0.0010 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence0.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0011 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence1.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0013 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence2.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0009 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence3.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0009 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence4.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0009 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence5.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0009 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence6.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0008 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence7.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0010 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence8.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0009 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence9.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 453 0.0008 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence10.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 454 0.0008 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence11.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 454 0.0009 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence12.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 454 0.0011 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence13.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 454 0.0011 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence14.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 454 0.0008 - - [16/Jul/2013 14:59:33] "GET /fileSequence15.ts HTTP/1.1" 404 454 0.0009


dyn-209-2-214-100:tutorial ktran$ ruby server.rb 
== Sinatra/1.4.3 has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin
>> Thin web server (v1.5.1 codename Straight Razor)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on localhost:4567, CTRL+C to stop - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:18] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1204 0.0039 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:18] "GET /prog_index.m3u8 HTTP/1.1" 200 680 0.0011 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:18] "GET /prog_index.m3u8 HTTP/1.1" 200 680 0.0008 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:18] "GET /fileSequence0.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 2468252 0.0208 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:18] "GET /fileSequence1.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 5461964 0.0228 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:18] "GET /fileSequence2.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 6529428 0.0398 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:18] "GET /fileSequence3.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 5280732 0.0163 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:18] "GET /fileSequence4.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 5495616 0.0246 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:18] "GET /fileSequence5.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 8170480 0.0412 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:33] "GET /fileSequence6.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 4904168 0.0152 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:43] "GET /fileSequence7.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 6491452 0.0148 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:04:53] "GET /fileSequence8.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 10209716 0.0429 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:05:03] "GET /fileSequence9.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 9690648 0.0372 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:05:13] "GET /fileSequence10.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 6523036 0.0215 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:05:22] "GET /fileSequence11.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 5998328 0.0246 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:05:33] "GET /fileSequence12.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 8308284 0.0357 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:05:42] "GET /fileSequence13.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 6363236 0.0265 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:05:53] "GET /fileSequence14.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 7246648 0.0295 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:06:02] "GET /fileSequence15.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 255492 0.0037 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:06:54] "GET /fileSequence0.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 2468252 0.0124 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:06:54] "GET /fileSequence1.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 5461964 0.0062 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:06:54] "GET /fileSequence2.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 6529428 0.0151 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:06:54] "GET /fileSequence3.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 5280732 0.0034 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:06:54] "GET /fileSequence4.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 5495616 0.0052 - - [16/Jul/2013 15:06:54] "GET /fileSequence5.ts HTTP/1.1" 200 8170480 0.0167
Note: You can't view the movie on multiple browsers at once.

Sources: http://www.christopherlavender.com/2012/07/14/http-live-streaming-part-1-setup-segment-stream/


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Unknown said...

Very nice information on HTTP Live Streaming with HTML5.

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